Dr. Louis Imperiale, Ph.D. - Curriculum


Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures
Scofield Hall 203
5100 Rockhill Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64110-2499 (USA) Telephone: (816) 235-2822
Fax: (816) 235-1312

E-mail: imperialel@umkc.edu

Spanish Golden Age Literature,
European Renaissance and Contemporary Literature
Linguistics and Semiotics

1990: Ph.D. in Spanish Literature, The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC) - Thesis Advisor: Bruno M. Damiani.
1988: M.A. in Comparative Literature, University of Puerto Rico - Thesis Advisor: Luce López-Baralt; reviewed by Claude Allaigre, Criticón 46, 1989, p. 159; and Bruno Damiani, La Torre, XIV, 1990, pp. 160-161.
1984: Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle à l'Enseignement de la Langue Française (Alliance Française) San Juan, Puerto Rico 1984.
1974: Licence d'Enseignement de l'Italien - Université de Grenoble, Grenoble, France - Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines.
1972: Summer Session, Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Palazzo Gallenga, Perugia, Italy
1971: Université de Dijon - Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines
1970: Lettres Supérieures, Lycée Dumont d'Urville, Toulon, France
1970: Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré, Série A - Philosophie Lettres, Toulon, France
1964-1970: Lycée Nationalisé Mixte de La Seyne-sur-Mer (France)
1959-1964: Ecole François Durand, La Seyne-sur-Mer (France)
1956-1959: Scuole Elementari - Tuglie, Lecce (Italy)

1. El contexto dramático de La Lozana Andaluza. Potomac, MD: Scripta Humanistica, 1991, 291 pp.
Reviewed by Hans Gerd Rötzer, Romanische Forschungen 104 (1992), pp. 1-2; Franco Meregalli, Rassegna Iberistica 45 (1992), pp. 63-66; Robert L. Fiore, Hispania Vol. 76, No. 1 (March 1993), pp. 75-76; Tatiana Bubnova, Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, XLI-2 (1993), pp. 595-599; Joseph V. Ricapito, Hispanic Review Vol. 62, No. 4 (Autumn 1994), pp. 542-543; and Jacques Joset, Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire / Belgisch Tijdschrift Voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 72 (1994), pp. 673-676; Alan Soons, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXXII (1995), pp. 124-127.
2. La Roma clandestina de Francisco Delicado y Pietro Aretino. Bern, Switzerland: Lang Verlag, 1997, 266 pp.
3. La Lozana Andaluza a través de los siglos. With Bruno Damiani. London/San Francisco: International Scholars Publications, 1998, 234 pp.
Reviewed by Robert L. Fiore, Hispania 82-3 (September, 1999), pp. 484-485.
01. "Captación auditiva e imagen visual en la Roma de Francisco Delicado y Pietro Aretino," Italo-Hispanic Literary Relations, ed. Jesús Helí Hernández. Potomac: Scripta Humanistica, 1989, pp. 71-81.
Reviewed by Joan Cammarata in Italian Culture Vol. X, (1992) 243-246; and Joseph Ricapito in Hispania 75, No. 3 (1992), 559-560.
02. "El erotismo en la literatura del Siglo de Oro," Monographic Review/Revista monográfica, Vol. 7 (1991) pp. 13-27. Co-author Bruno M. Damiani.
03. "Una realidad disfrazada en La Lozana Andaluza," Revista de Filología Española Tomo LXXII (1992), pp. 159-166.
04. "Contaminations linguistiques: actes d'enrichissement ou d'anéantissement d'une langue?" Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists, Québec, Canada: Les Presses de l' Université Laval, 1993, vol. III, pp. 351-354.
05. "Scrittura e segno della croce: Tre croci," Northeast Modern Languages Association - Italian Studies 1993, XVII, 1993, pp. 55-69.
06. "Itinerario peripatético y evolución interior en La Lozana Andaluza," Castilla Estudios de Literatura, 18 (1993) pp. 99-108.
07. "Discurso autorial y antilenguaje en La Lozana Andaluza," Crítica Hispánica, Vol. 16, No. 2 (1994) pp. 321-332.

08. "Marcela como construcción ideológica de Grisóstomo: la dura realidad de la ficción," Revista de Filología 1994, 13 (1994) pp. 161-177.

09. "El auctor ante sus personajes en La Lozana Andaluza," XI Conference of the International Association of Hispanists Proceedings, University of California-Irvine 1994, vol. V, pp. 59-67.
10. "Escritura del signo y signo de la escritura en La Lozana Andaluza," Homage to Bruno Damiani A Festschrift. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1994, pp. 109-143.

11. "Entre el altar y el lupanar: Confesiones extra-oficiales de un vicario andaluz en Roma," Quaderni Ibero-Americani, 75 (June 1994) pp. 49-63.
12. "Oídos y ojos del Renacimiento romano: Francisco Delicado y Pietro Aretino," Revista La Torre, IX, 36 (1995) pp. 515-530.

13. "La quiebra de la voluntad patriarco-femenina en La Lozana Andaluza," Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference Proceedings (1991-1992), Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press, 1995, pp. 151-59.
14. "Apalabrarse con su mundo: construcción palimpséstica sobre `Pasión de historia' de Ana Lydia Vega," Discurso femenino actual, ed. Adelaida L. Martínez. Río Piedras, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico Press, 1995, pp. 139-160.
Reviewd by Catherine G. Bellver in Hispania 80, No 4 (1997), 789-790.

15. "Narración y representación en Pietro Aretino y Lope de Vega," Anuario Brasileño de Estudios Hispánicos V (1995) pp. 117-127.
16. "Dimensión acústica y antilenguaje en el discurso narrativo de La Lozana Andaluza," Primer Congreso Internacional AESLA: El español: lengua internacional 1492-1992. Ed. Francisco Gutiérrez Díez, Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 1996, pp. 293-298.
17. "Los humanistas españoles en las academias italianas (siglos XIV y XV)," Northeast Modern Languages Association - Italian Studies, vol. XX, 1996, pp. 5-15.
18. "La escritura `paradójica' y humorística de Gutierre de Cetina," LA CHISPA '97 Selected Proceedings, New Orleans, LA: Tulane University Press, 1997, pp. 197-210.
19. "Escritores sin fronteras: Francisco Delicado y Juan de Luna," Actas del XII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas - Birmingham 1995, Tomo II - Estudios Aureos I. Birmingham, UK: Department of Hispanic Studies, The University of Birmingham, 1998, pp. 302-309.

20. "Ir por lana: Justina Díez y el mecanismo del burlador burlado," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Luso-Hispanic Humour Studies - 1995. Potomac, MD: Scripta Humanistica, 1998, pp. 21-27.
21. "Cervantes en Italia," Northeast Modern Languages Association - Italian Studies, vol. XXI, 1999, pp. 5-21.
22. "Voces narrativas y relaciones pecaminosas en la obra de Cristóbal de Villalón," Actas del XIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas - Madrid 1998, Tomo II - Estudios Aureos I. Madrid, Spain: Castalia, 2000, pp. 344-350.
23. "Inquietudes maternas como primer móvil en la prosa picaresca," La Palabra y el Hombre, 111, 1999, pp. 37-56. Co-author Héctor Brioso.

24. "L'éducation des courtisanes romaines au XVIe siècle: Faire savoir et savoir-faire," La Transmission du savoir dans l'Europe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Ed. Marie Roig Miranda. Paris: Champion, 2001, pp. 55-67.
25. "Cincuenta años de política hispano-árabe (1535-1585) según la Relación de casos notables de Matías Escudero de Cobeña," Mélanges Luce López-Baralt. Ed. Abdeljelil Temimi. Zaghouan: Fondation Temimi pour la Recherche Scientifique et l'Information, 2001, pp. 331-355.
26. "Las lagunas en las lecturas que hizo don Quijote," Volver a Cervantes. Actas del IV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas. Lepanto 1-8 de Octubre de 2000. Palma: Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2001, Tomo I, pp. 491-498.
27. "Nuevas observaciones sobre Relación de casos notables de Matías Escudero de Cobeña," Actas del V Congreso de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro - Münster 1999. Ed.Christoph Strosetzki. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2001, pp. 723-729.

28. "Don Quichotte et la caverne de Montésinos chez Robert Challe," Challe et/en son Temps Actes du Colloque de l'Université d'Ottawa, 24-26 Septembre 1998. Ed. Marie-Laure Girou Swiderski. Paris: Champion, 2002, pp. 141-151.

29. "Amores y negocios en La Lozana Andaluza," in La penna di Venere. Scritture dell'amore nelle culture iberiche." Messina, Italy: Lippolis, 2002, pp. 177-186.

30. "Woman of the World and World of the Woman in the Narrative of Mariana de Caravajal," Women in the Discourse of Early Modern Spain, Ed. Joan Cammarata. Gainesville:The University Press of Florida, 2003, pp. 213-32

31. "Melibée et Lozana: Deux visions contrastées du mariage," Le mariage dans l'Europe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles: Réalités et représentations. Metz/Nancy : Université de Metz - Université de Nancy II, 2003, pp. 105-115.
32. "Actas/actos de los apóstoles en España (segunda mitad del siglo XVI)," in Essays In Luso Hispanic Humor. Paul Seaver, ed., New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004, pp. 25-34.
33. "Ortodoxia católica y superstición campesina en España (Segunda mitad del siglo XVI)," in Morada de la palabra: Homenaje a Luce y Mercedes López-Baralt. San Juan de Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2002 Vol. 2, pp. 1345-1366.
34. "Prologue," in Protofeminismo, erotismo y comida en La Lozana Andaluza, Linnette Fourquet-Reed Potomac, MD, Scripta Humanistica, 2004, pp. ix-xv.

1. Novecento - Frontières et minorités. Cahiers du CERCIC No. 20. in Italian Quarterly 135-136, Winter Spring 1998, pp. 125-128.
2. La comedia española y el teatro europeo del siglo XVII. Eds. Henry W. Sullivan, Raúl A. Galoppe, Mahon L. Stoutz. Hispanic Review 69, (Summer 2001) pp. 397-398.
3. Juan de Dueñas, La nao de amor. Misa de amores. Ed. Marco Presotto. Paolo Pintacuda. La Battaglia di Pavia nei pliegos poetici e nei romanceros. Hispanic Review 70 (Autumn, 2002) pp. 636-38.
4. Maria Caterina Ruta, Il Chisciotte e i suoi dettagli. Hispanic Review 71-2, (Spring 2003) pp. 274-76.

5. Aldo Ruffinatto, Cervantes: Un profilo su smalti italiani , in Cervantes Bulletin of the CSA, 2005.

1. Luce López Baralt's Un Kama Sutra Español, Madrid: Siruela, 1992. Cited in pp. 436-37 n248.
2. Joseph Ricapito's Cervantes's Novelas Ejemplares, West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 1996. Cited in p. 150 n9.
3. Tatiana Bubnova's La Lozana Andaluza como lectura erótica, Erotismo en las letras hispánicas. Aspectos, modos y fronteras. Eds. Luce lópez Baralt and Francisco Márquez Villanueva, Mexico, D.F.: El Colegio de México, 1995. Cited in p. 20 nn9, 10; p. 22 n16; p. 24 n25; p. 25 n32; and p. 29 n46.
4. Claude Allaigre's "Sobre judíos y conversos en La Lozana Andaluza," in Las dos grandes minorías étnico-religiosas en la literatura española del Siglo de Oro. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1995, pp. 37-50. Cited in pp. 49-50.
5. Teresa Cirillo Sirri's "Dedicato a Delicado: Note a margine del Retrato de la Lozana Andaluza," Annali Dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale - Sezione Romanza 39, 1997, pp. 5-32. Cited in p. 18, n15, p. 26, n27.
6. Folke Gernert, Francisco Delicados Retrato de la Lozana Andaluza und Pietro Aretinos Sei Giornate - Zum Literarischen Diskurs über die käufliche Liebeim frühren Cinquecento, Geneva: Droz, 1999. Cited in pp. 11, 17, 22, 28-29, 32-33, 38, 58-59, 82-84, 98, 102, 104-105, 159-160, 177, 184, 189, 195, 199.
7. Jacques Joset, "La Lozana andaluza reducida a la escena por Rafael Alberti." Criticón, 76, 1999, pp. 181-182.
1. "Una realidad disfrazada en La Lozana Andaluza," (abbreviated version of the article of the same name) XXXI Annual Meeting of Midwest Modern Language Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota (November 1989). Discussant: Pierre L. Ullman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
2. "Hacia una interpretación bajtiniana de Misericordia," XI Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures; Baton Rouge, Louisiana (February 1990).


3. "Posibilidades de una lectura ba    jtiniana de las jarchas," XLIII Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, Kentucky (April 26-28, 1990).
4. "Lozana y el concepto de Habeas Corpus," Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (September 1990).
5. "Discurso autorial y antilenguaje en La Lozana Andaluza," (abbreviated version of the article of the same name), XXXII Annual Meeting of Midwest Modern Language Association at Kansas City, Missouri; (November 1990). Discussant: Barbara Kurtz, University of Illinois-Urbana.
6. "La quiebra de la voluntad patriarco-femenina en La Lozana Andaluza," Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (September 1991).
7. "Oídos y ojos del Renacimiento romano: Francisco Delicado y Pietro Aretino," XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago (November 14-16, 1991). Discussant: Jesús Pindado, George Mason University.
8. "Apalabrarse con su mundo: construcción palimpséstica sobre `Pasión de Historia' de Ana Lydia Vega," (abbreviated version of the article of the same name) Rediscovering America 1492-1992, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (February 27, 1992).
9. "La lengua como producto y práctica social en `Pasión de Historia' de Ana Lydia Vega," Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville, Kentucky (February 1992).

10. "Obsesiones quijotescas en los versos de Rubén Darío," Spring Annual Convention of The Northeast Modern Language Association, Buffalo, New York (April 3-5, 1992).
11. "Authorial Discourse and Anti-Language in Francisco Delicado's Narrative," Missouri Romance Languages and Literatures Conference, University of Missouri-Columbia, Missouri (May 1-3, 1992).
12. "Contaminations linguistiques: actes d'enrichissement ou d'anéantissement d'une langue?" XV. International Congress of Linguists, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, (August 9-14, 1992).
13. "El auctor ante sus personajes en La Lozana Andaluza," XI Congress of the International Association of Hispanists, University of California, Irvine, CA (August 24-29, 1992).
14. "Dimensión acústica y antilenguaje en el discurso narrativo de La Lozana Andaluza," Congreso de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics): El Español, Lengua Internacional 1492-1992, Granada, Spain (September 25-29, 1992).
15. "Identidad cultural y escritura femenina en `Pasión de historia' de Ana Lydia Vega," XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Saint Louis, Missouri (November 5-7, 1992); discussant: Brett Levinson, University of Chicago.
16. "Del Tormes a México o las metamorfosis del pícaro," South-Atlantic Modern Language Association, LXII Annual Convention, Knoxville, Tennessee (November 12-14, 1992). Invited.

17. "Itinerario peripatético y evolución interior en La Lozana Andaluza," Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association, New York, New York (December 27-30, 1992).
18. "Jeux de dames ou la langue qui colle au corps," 10th International Colloquium on Twentieth Century French Studies, The University of Colorado at Boulder, March 11-13, 1993, Chair: Gerald Prince.
19. "Segno della croce e scrittura del segno: Tre croci di Federigo Tozzi," Annual Spring Convention of The Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (March 26-28, 1993).
20. "Metafictional Discourse and Anti-Language on Francisco Delicado's Prose," National Conference of the Renaissance Society of America, Kansas City, Missouri (April 15-17, 1993).
21. "La mujer como construcción ideológica del hombre en Don Quijote: el episodio de Marcela y Grisóstomo," XLVI Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, Lexington, Kentucky (April 22-24, 1993). Invited.
22. "Cuando uno dice lo que se dice, ¿qué es lo que está diciendo?" IV International Conference of Professors of Spanish as a Second Language (ASELE), University of Madrid, Complutense, October 7-9, 1993.
23. "How can we teach Don Quixote at the Beginning of the XXI Century," University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (October 19, 1993). Invited.

24. "Teaching Don Quixote to Children in Bilingual Schools," University of New Mexico-Albuquerque, Albuquerque, New Mexico (October 21, 1993). Invited.
25. "Entre el altar y el lupanar: Confesiones extra-oficiales de un vicario andaluz en Roma" (abbreviated version of the article of the same name), XXXV Annual Conference of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota (November 1993).
26. "Five Characters of World Literature Belong to Spanish National Literary Context: El Cid, Celestina, Lazarillo, Don Quichotte, and Don Juan" (March 19, 1994) Asociación Hispano-Americana de Kansas City.
27. "Mujer de mundo y mundo de la mujer en la narrativa de Mariana de Caravajal" XXV Annual Convention of The Northeast Modern Language Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (April, 8-10, 1994).
28. "Voces e imágenes de una Roma olvidada," XI Annual Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature - An International Symposium, Lawrence, Kansas (September 8-10, 1994).
29. "Narración y representación en Pietro Aretino y Lope de Vega," XXXVI Annual Conference of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago, Illinois (November 11-13, 1994), discussant: Nancy D'Antuono, Saint-Mary's-College.

30. "Nuevas aproximaciones a Francisco Delicado y Juan de Luna," XXXVI Annual Conference of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago, Illinois (November 1994).
31. "Narración y transgresión cultural en `Pasión de historia' de Ana Lydia Vega," XXVI Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Boston, Massachusetts (March 31-April 1, 1995).
32. "Escritores sin fronteras: Francisco Delicado y Juan de Luna," XII Congress of the International Association of Hispanists, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom (August 21-26, 1995).
33. "Ir por lana: Justina Díez y el mecanismo del burlador burlado," First International Conference on Hispanic Humour, West Chester University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1995).
34. "`Ve, toca y tienta lo que tanto desea': El don de Julieta en el Crótalon (Canto IX)," XII Annual Mid-America International Conference on Hispanic Literature, Boulder, Colorado (October 12-14, 1995).
35. "Del texto literario al discurso hegemónico en el Diálogo de Mercurio y Carón," CXI Convention of the Modern Language Association of America, Chicago, Illinois (December 27-30, 1995).
36. "Los humanistas españoles en las academias italianas (siglos XIV y XV)," XXVII Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Montreal, Canada (April 19-20, 1996).
37. "Nuevas aproximaciones a la obra de Francisco Delicado," Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico (July 9, 1996).
38. "La narración como acto de subversión en el Crótalon," XIII Annual Mid-America International Conference on Hispanic Literature, Lincoln, Nebraska (September 18-20, 1996).
39. "Gutierre de Cetina y la escritura `paradójica'," The XVIII Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages (LA CHISPA), Tulane University, New Orleans, LA (February 27-March 1, 1997).
40. "La teatralización de la escritura: Pietro Aretino y Lope de Vega," XXVIII Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (April 4-5, 1997). Invited.
41. "Nuevas observaciones sobre la Paradoja de Gutierre de Cetina" 50th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, Kentucky (April 17-18, 1997).

42. "Relaciones materno-filiales en la prosa picaresca," Primer Congreso sobre la Identidad Española e Hispanoamericana en el Cine y la Literatura, Valladolid, Spain (June 27-29, 1997). Invited.
43 "Actas/actos de los apóstoles en España (segunda mitad del siglo XVI)," Annual Conference of The International Society for Luso-Hispanic Humour Studies, Philadelphia, PA (September 25-27, 1997).
44. "L'éducation des courtisanes romaines au XVIe siècle: Faire savoir et savoir-faire," Troisième Colloque International de l'Université de Nancy, Nancy, France (November 20-22, 1997).

45. "Juegos prohibidos o la cuadradura del círculo en el Crótalon," Symposium "The Poesis of Politics and the Politics of Poesis," University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri (March 19-22, 1998).
46. "Cervantes en Italia," XXIX Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Baltimore, Maryland (April 17-18, 1998). Invited.

47. "Voces narrativas y relaciones pecaminosas en la obra de Cristóbal de Villalón," Triennial Conference of the International Association of Hispanists, Madrid, Spain (July 6-11, 1998).
48. "Impostores y falsos profetas en España (siglo XVI)," American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain (July 31-August 4, 1998).
49. "Don Quichotte et la caverne de Montésinos chez Robert Challe," Colloque "Robert Challe et/en son Temps," University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (September 24-26, 1998).
50. "Visión de la mujer en el Tesoro de Sebastián de Covarrubias," 3rd. Annual Conference of The International Society for Luso-Hispanic Humour Studies, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada (October 1-3, 1998).
51. "Ortodoxia católica y superstición campesina en España (Segunda mitad del siglo XVI)," Simposio Homenaje - Hermanas Luce y Mercedes López-Baralt, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Colegio Universitario Tecnológico de Arecibo, Arecibo, Puerto Rico (November 19-21, 1998). Invited.
52. "Tratados de dietética e imagen del cuerpo en España (siglos XVI y XVII)," The 19th Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures (LA CHISPA), Tulane University, New Orleans, LA (February 25-27, 1999).
53. "Nuevas observaciones sobre la Relación de casos notables de Matías Escudero de Cobeña," V Congreso de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany (July 20-24, 1999).

54. "Edition of Matías Escudero de Cobeña's Relación de casos notables," XVI Annual Mid-America International Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri (October 7-9, 1999).
55. "Poesía renacentista como asunto central de una obra teatral del siglo XX," IVth Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, University of California, Davis, California, (October 28-30, 1999).
56. "Realidad, legalidad y ficción en la Roma de la Contrarreforma," CXVI Convention of the Modern Language Association of America, Chicago, Illinois (December 27-30, 1999).
57. "Silencios y olvidos sospechosos: Don Quijote y la lectura de los libros de caballería," Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico (June 28, 2000).
58. "Las Lagunas en las lecturas que hizo don Quijote," IV Conference of the International Association of Cervantists, Lepanto (Naupactos) Greece (October 1-8, 2000).
59. "Justina Díez, la villana de las burlas," 41st Annual Conference of the Midwest Modern Languages Association. Kansas City, Missouri (November 3-4, 2000).

60. "Amor y negocio en La Lozana Andaluza," Simposio dell'Associazione Italiana d' Ispanisti (AISPI), University of Florence, Florence, Italy (March 17-19, 2001).
61. "Cincuenta años de política hispano-árabe (1535-1585) según la Relación de casos notables de Matías Escudero de Cobeña," Fondation Temimi pour la Recherche Scientifique et l'Information, Zaghouan, Tunisia (May 9-13, 2001).
62. "Presencia española en el Norte de África según la Relación de casos notables de Matías Escudero de Cobeña," XVIII Annual Mid-America International Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas (October 6-7, 2001).
63. "Mélibée et Lozana: deux visions contrastées du mariage," Cinquième Colloque du Groupe de Recherche de l'Université de Nancy II. Nancy, France (November 22-24, 2001).
64. "Política hispano-árabe en la Relación de casos notables de Matías Escudero de Cobeña" Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico (April 11-14, 2002).

65. "Educación humanista de las cortesanas romanas en el siglo XVI," Annual Conference of the "International Society for the Study of Luso-Hispanic Humor," University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico (September 26-28, 2002).

66. "Carlos V y la Batalla de Argel a través de una comedia y una relación de casos notables," Coloquio Internacional Grupo Investigadores Siglo de Oro (GRISO) Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain (September 15-17, 2003).
67. "L'usage littéraire de la langue vulgaire chez Pietro Bembo et Fernando de Herrera," Sixème Colloque du Groupe de Recherche de l'Université de Nancy II. Nancy, France (November 13-15, 2003).
68."De Córdoba a Roma con la Lozana Andaluza," VII Congreso Internacional de Caminería Hispánica, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne (June 23-25, 2004).
69. "Pietro Bembo and Fernando de Herrera: The Birth of Modern Literary Criticism in Europe," Petrarch and his Legacy in the European Renaissance, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri (Sept. 24-25, 2004).
70. "Poesía renacentista en una comedia de Juan Antonio Hormigón," VIII Annual Conference of the International Society for Luso-Hispanic Humor Studies, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico (October 13-15, 2004).

71. "Melibea y Lozana: Una visión opuesta del matrimonio" 2004 Convention of the VIII South-Atlantic Modern Language Association, Roanoke, Virginia (November 11-13, 2004).

1996-present Associate Professor of Spanish - University of Missouri-Kansas City
1991-1996 Assistant Professor of Spanish - University of Missouri-Kansas City
1988-1991 Instructor of Spanish and French - Catholic University of America
1976-1988 Instructor of French - Alliance Française de Puerto Rico
1981-1985 Instructor of French and Italian - Interamerican University of Puerto Rico
1978-1981 Instructor of French - Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola - Río Piedras, P.R.
Undergraduate Courses
SPAN 103-104 Intermediate


SPAN 302 Conversation and Composition
ITAL 103-104 Intermediate
FREN 103-104 Intermediate
Survey of Modern French Literature
Survey of Italian Literature
Survey of Spanish Literature
XIX Century French Poetry: Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Lautréamont, Mallarmé.
XIX Century French Prose: Balzac, Flaubert, Stendhal, Zola, Maupassant.
French Neoclassicism: Diderot, Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu.
SPAN 110-120 First Year
SPAN 211-221 Second Year
SPAN 303/304 Peninsular Literature Survey
SPAN 301 Inroduction to Literary Texts
SPAN 350 Continental Spanish Civilization
SPAN 365 Mexican Civilization (in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico)
SPAN 499 Senior Seminar - Capstone
FREN 480 French Symbolist Poetry
Graduate Courses
SPAN 522 20th Century Peninsular Novel
SPAN 416/516 Spanish Medieval Literature
SPAN 480/580 Special Topics: Spanish Picaresque Narrative
SPAN 420/520 Cervantes and the Golden Age Novel
SPAN 490/590 Special Topics: Spanish Pastoral Literature
SPAN 480/580 Special Topics: Spanish Mysticism
SPAN 490/590 Special Topics: 19th Century Spanish Novel

SPAN 426/526 Spanish Golden Age Drama
SPAN 480/580 Special Topics: Novelistic Experimentation in Spanish Golden Age
SPAN 490/590 Special Topics: Cervantes and Las novelas ejemplares
Continuing Education Literary Masterworks of Golden Age Spain
Experience in Directing Graduate Works
Steve Smith July 30, 1993 Italian Proficiency for the UMKC Doctoral Degree
Jennifer Verdusco September, 1998 Italian Proficiency for the UMKC Master Degree
Membership on Master Examination Committees
Roger Gibson, December 1, 1993 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Mason Duede, March 21, 1994 M.A. in Romance Languages: French
Neil Brown, August, 1995 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Jim Hillen, August, 1995 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Ann Holt, August, 1995 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Susan McKee, August, 1995 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Dave Young, August, 1995 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Gregory Hayward, June, 1996 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Stuart Tredway June, 1996 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Christine Yannitelli June, 1997 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Paul M. O'Connor December, 1997 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Susan Van Boren December, 1997 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Martha E. Lane March, 1998 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Brian Jones July, 1998 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Enedina Wilbers, September, 1998 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Jennifer Verdusco, April, 1999 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Andrea Brancato April, 1999 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Camden Garrett April, 1999 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Janelle Urbina December, 2000 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Marne Wittung December, 2001 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Consuelo Cruz December, 2001 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Eugene Distefano May, 2002 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
María Pabón December 2002 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Zaya Rustamova May 2003 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Connie Fetterling December 2003 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Anayansi Ehlers December 2003 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Liliana Gómez June 2004 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish
Xánath Holland June 2004 M.A. in Romance Languages: Spanish

Membership on the Kansas City Regional Interview Committee for the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program (1994-1995)
Instructor for AHERA Asbestos Abatement Contractor/Supervisor Training Course (Caserma Ederla, Vicenza, Italy, May 6-11, 1996)
June-July 2004 Director in Residence, UMKC Annual Summer Study Program in Lyon (France)
Sept. 6, 2003 Presented the motion picture Juana la Loca (Mad Queen Joan) for the 12th Latin American Cine Festival, organized by the Sociedad Hidalgo of Kansas City and supported by the Kansas Humanities Council


May-June 2003 Director in Residence, UMKC Annual Summer Study Program in Spain (Granada, Andalusia)
October 8-9, 2002 Organized and introduced Professor María Luisa Fernández-Espinosa's Bernardin Lectures at UMKC
March 10, 2001 Organized and introduced Professor David Toscana's Lecture at UMKC
October 2000 Reviewed a UM Research Board Application
June-July 2000 Director in Residence, UMKC Annual Summer Study Program in Mexico (Xalapa, Veracruz)
April 19-20, 2000 Organized and introduced Professor Carroll B. Johnson's Bernardin Lectures at UMKC
October 5-6, 1999 Organized and introduced Professor Ricardo Aguilar Melantzón's Bernardin Lectures at UMKC
June-July 2000 Director in Residence, UMKC Annual Summer Study Program in Mexico (Xalapa, Veracruz)
October 5-6, 1999 Organized and introduced Professor Ricardo Aguilar Melantzón's Bernardin Lectures at UMKC April 6-7, 1999 Organized and introduced Professor Randolph D. Pope's Bernardin Lectures at UMKC
April 1998 Reviewed a UM Research Board Application
November 6, 1997 Organized and introduced Professor Douglas Sharon's Bernardin Lecture at UMKC
September 1996 Organized and introduced Professor Bruno M. Damiani's Lectures at UMKC and Bisceglia Italian Cultural Center
June-July 1996 Director of UMKC Annual Summer Study Program in Mexico (Xalapa, Veracruz)
March 27, 1996 Organized and introduced Professor John W. Kronik's Bernardin Lecture at UMKC
April 19-20, 1995 Organized and introduced Professor Joseph V. Ricapito's Bernardin Lectures at UMKC
April 3-5, 1995 Proctored the Spanish Oral Exams for International Baccalaureate at Lincoln College Preparatory Academy
March 29, 1995 Participated in UMKC Day at Longview Community College
March 28, 1995 Prepared and discussed Professor Daniel García Blanco's Lecture at UMKC
November 8, 1994 Organized Gustavo Halley's Presentation at UMKC
March 8-20, 1993 Organized Dolores Soler-Espiauba's Lectures at University of Southern California (Los Angeles), University of New Mexico (Albuquerque), University of Missouri-Kansas City and Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.)
March-April 1992 Interpreter Italian/English - English/ Italian, Nelson Atkins Museum, Tomas Hart Benton Trust, Kansas City, Missouri (Henry Adams / Rudy Chiappini)
1976 - 1988 Music Director - Heidelberg Haus German Restaurant - Puerto Rico
1986 - 1988 Maître Organiste - Stella Maris Parish, Condado - San Juan, Puerto Rico
1987 - 1988 Interpreter (English/Italian) at U.S. Federal Court in San Juan, Puerto Rico
1977 (Feb.-Apr.) Entertainer on board MS "Mermoz" - Paquet French Cruise Lines
1973 - 1974 Entertainer on board MS "Renaissance" - Paquet French Cruise Lines
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
Asociación de Profesores de Español Segunda Lengua (ASELE)
Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (AIH)
Modern Language Association of America (MLA)
Renaissance Society of America (RSA)
Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA)
Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA)
Cervantes Society of America (CSA)
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (UMKC)
Director of Training Program for new Teachers - Alliance Française de Puerto Rico (1983-86)
Acting Director in the Summer Sessions of 1983 Alliance Française de Puerto Rico.
Member of the Administrative Council - Alliance Française de Puerto Rico (1984-1986).

Teachers'Representative on the Council - Alliance Française de Puerto Rico (1983-1984).
Secretary of the permanent session "Spanish I: Peninsular Literature Before 1700" at the XXXIII Annual Meeting of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago, Illinois (November 3-5, 1990).

Chair of the Section 6: "Language and Society" at the XV International Congress of Linguists, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada (August 9-14, 1992).
Chair of the session "Spanish I: Peninsular Literature Before 1700," (A and B) at the XXXIV Annual Meeting of Midwest Modern Language Association, Saint Louis, Missouri, November 5-7, 1992.
Member of Nominating Committee in the session on Applied Linguistics at the XXXIV Annual Meeting of Midwest Modern Language Association, Saint Louis, Missouri, November 5-7, 1992.
Chair of the permanent session on Cervantes, at the XXIV Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 26-28, 1993.
Consultant at the Northeast Modern Language Association Job Information Center (1992-93).
Chair of the permanent session on "Cervantes" at the XXV Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (April 8-9, 1994).
Chair of the session "Humour in Baroque Spanish Literature," First International


Conference on Hispanic Humour, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (September 29-October 1, 1995).
Chair of the session "Golden Age Prose," Annual Conference of the International Society for Luso-Hispanic Humour Studies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (September 26-27, 1997).
Chair of the session "Les types de savoir," Troisième Colloque International de l'Université de Nancy II, Nancy, France (November 20, 1997).
Chair of the Session "Literature," The Central Renaissance Conference, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO (April 10-11, 1998).
Chair of the Session Golden Age Literature IV, The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Madrid, Spain (July 31-August 4, 1998).
Chair of the session "Satire as a Critical Weapon (XVII Century Literature)," Third International Conference on Luso-Hispanic Humour Studies, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada (October 1-3, 1998).
Chair of the session "Cervantes 2000," IVth Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, University of California, Davis, California, (October 28-30, 1999).


Member of the Senate Committee on Administrator Evaluation at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (1993-1996).
Membership on Committee for a Capstone Course 499 (1993-96)
Membership on Search Committee for French Assistant Professor 1994-95
Membership on Search Committee for French Assistant Professor 1995-96
Member of the UKC Trustees Faculty Fellowship and Visiting Professorship Review Committee (1995-96, 1996-97)
Membership on Promotion Retention and Tenure Committee 1996-97
Director of the UMKC Annual Summer Study in Mexico (June13-July 29, 1996)
Head of the Spanish Division (1998-2000), Department of Foreign Languages, UMKC.
1. "La ciudad y el mundo: Roma en la obra de Francisco Delicado y Pietro Aretino" (The City and the World: Rome in the Work of Francisco Delicado and Pietro Aretino) - University of Missouri Research Board - June 1994-January 1995.
2. UKC Trustees' Fellowship - 1995-96.
3. "La Roma clandestina de Francisco Delicado y Pietro Aretino" (The Clandestine Rome of F. Delicado and P. Aretino) -Publication Subvention- Department of Modern Languages of Texas A&M University - 1995.
4. "La Roma clandestina de Francisco Delicado y Pietro Aretino" (The Clandestine Rome of F. Delicado and P. Aretino) -Publication Subvention- Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, Alcalá de Henares, Spain - 1996.
5. "Critical Edition of Relación de Casos Notables" University of Missouri Research Board - June-August 1998.

6. "Critical Edition of Relación de Casos Notables II" University of Missouri Faculty Research Grant - July-August, 1999.
7. "Critical Edition of Relación de Casos Notables III" Program for Cultural Co-operation Between Spain's Ministry of Culture and United States' Universities -July -August, 1999.<

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